Al Wahab Rice Mills

Sustainable Rice Production

Al Wahab Rice Mills Pvt. Ltd works with groups of growers to improve the environmental and social responsibility of farming systems.  believe on the integrated pest management, nutrient and water management programs are designed and implemented for a wide range of farm enterprises.  particularly interested in promoting the Sustainable rice standards on rice grower in Pakistan.

Al-Wahab Rice Mills Pvt. Ltd has currently introduce sustainable rice production practices that reduce the agricultural chemical and pollution in the rice fields and the principal source of fresh water for the rice growing. Initial results have shown that implementing conservation practices in rice has reduced nutrient and pesticide loading in streams and improved water quality. Farmers who adopt these sustainable practices use less fertilizers and pesticides and still achieve yields equal to or better than their conventional neighbors, are enjoying higher profits per hectare under the new system.

There has been improvement in the quality and packaging of domestically produced rice available to consumers. However, consumption of Supper Basmati rice in domestic and international markets has increased. An opportunity exists to create an integrated production, processing, distribution and marketing initiative that highlights the social and environmental attributes of sustainable rice production systems in the Pakistan. To move rice production systems toward socio-economic and environmental sustainability, Rice production practices that preserve and enhance natural resources while increasing the profitability of rice farming by reducing production costs.

As a result of the sustainable rice production practices, collaborating farmers are able to reduce fertilizer applications by 55% and chemical pesticide applications by 67% compared to their conventional rice production system in neighbors. In addition, farmers apply 15-30% less irrigation water compared to conventional rice production systems.  Thus, collaborating farmers typically enjoy 25% to 50% higher profits per hectare than their conventional rice farming systems.

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