Al Wahab Rice Mills

Fairtrade (FLO ID 37245)

Fair Trade is a global movement committed to paying fair prices in trade and helping producers in developing countries. The fair trade concept came as a response to global poverty levels, mainly focusing on the marketing of products and trade development.

Overall, the movement organizes producers and provides services to the producers for production.

Fair Trade impacts the building of sustainable businesses by demanding fair income and treatment. Al wahab rice Mills buying products from producers and selling to the buyers, premium goes direct to famers “HOPE FARMERS ASSOCIATION” (FLO ID 37459) account. The funds from Fair Trade impacting communities with social, economic and environmental development projects. it also ensures safe working conditions and prevents forced & child labor.

Fair Trade impacts workers, farmers and families. Fair Trade helps to stabilize income  of farmers.

Farmers are receiving modern equipment’s for farming. which are helping to modernize system to get better yield with less cost, prevent them from falling into poverty, and also learning environmentally sustainable practices.

Since, many families can keep their children in schools. It provides free health care, Medical treatment, scholarship programs and healthy meals. Fair Trade enables education for even the most deprived communities.


These benefits enable the people to help themselves as well as others in their communities.

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